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Note for Students:

We do not edit bibliographies, works cited, or papers/articles for citational style. Regardless of document length, we cannot turn documents around in under 2 days.


Student activity fees must be paid in order to be eligible for this free service.


1. Each individual submission cannot exceed 50 pages. Under most circumstances, GSA Editorial does not accept multiple simultaneous submissions. This allows us to serve the most amount of students. If you need more than 50 pages edited at the same time (i.e., a whole dissertation*), please send an e-mail specifying your circumstances. We may be able to accommodate depending on the availability of staff and our submission queue. Otherwise, wait to submit a second submission until after you receive comments from the first.


*For full dissertations: students should plan to submit chapters individually and several months in advance of the deadline.


2. Per academic year, students are limited submitting 100 pages for master's students and 250 pages for Ph.D. students.


3. Please use MS Word (doc or docx). Documents must be double-spaced and with margins of no less than 1 inch. Please use Times New Roman (12pt) font. If submissions are not in this format, the editing may be delayed and you may be asked to resubmit.


4. Please allow at least 2-3 weeks for all edits, unless otherwise stated.



310 Student Union

University at Buffalo

Buffalo, NY, USA


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